The Best Finish for Your Hybrid Cajon Drum.

In search of the right surface treatment for my drums I have tried just about every option from all natural to high tech.  From shellac to oil, beeswax and pine resin mixes, hand-rubbed, french polished, I have mixed my own and shipped stuff in, I tried tung oil varnishes, water-based polyurethane, I spent a lot of money on professional HVLP spray systems and a dedicated spray booth with advanced water-based musical instrument lacquers.

I know that what you want is something that looks good and is highly durable, what I wanted was a finish that met the all of the following qualifications:

Clear and natural looking allowing the woods natural character to mellow and age over time, but still be clearly defined by the surface treatment.


Easy to apply and achieve good results.

Good moderation of moisture levels in wood.

Soap and water clean-up.  Safe, and odor free.

Quick curing.

A good value.

Locally available if possible.

What I eventually settled on is a water-based polyurethane product designed for high traffic flooring applications.  It looks good, is ultra-durable and protective, very forgiving to apply, I can get it through my local hardware store, it's quite a bit less expensive than the pro lacquer I was using, cleans up with soap and water, instead of suiting up and turning on an exhaust fan to spray it on I simply and meditatively brush it on with a good quality brush.  Simple as can be.  Once it cures properly it bonds to the drum head and adds a little bit of a temper to the surface of the head that protects while it fine tunes the overtones.   I hand rub the head and shoulders until they have a soft satiny glow and are as smooth as a babies bottom.  I leave the body with a little bit more surface texture so the drum is easier to pick up and move.